Comfort Zone in Sport

30 Eylül 2021 Perşembe

Within the scope of the "European Sports Week", Dr. Nuh Osman YILDIZ, Research Assistant at the Faculty of Sports Sciences of our University, gave "Comfort Zone in Sports" training to Sports High School students at Bolu Youth Center.
 Dr. Nuh Osman YILDIZ defined the comfort zone as an area in which each individual feels comfortable and safe, and stated that each individual has a comfort zone and that the width of the comfort zone varies from person to person as it is formed as a result of the experiences gained in life.
He emphasized that, in general, individuals tend to stay away from unfamiliar environments, from problems that they think their skills are not sufficient, from situations where they feel that they will fail or get hurt, and that they want to spend their time doing easy tasks in their comfort zone, the area in which they feel comfortable. In this case, he stated that by avoiding new concepts and objects, environments, and demands that require different thinking and effort, learning is actually avoided, and that learning takes place only outside our comfort zones, in what is called the "Development Zone". Defining the development area as the area where people produce better, are creative, and manage themselves and their conditions better, YILDIZ emphasized that this area is defined as the development area because it allows people to exceed their known capacities and enables them to develop.
"Stepping out of our comfort zone is sometimes less of a challenge, sometimes more of a challenge. This actually means breaking out of habits. Our habits, hardened like concrete, prevent us from stepping outside this space. Or it requires us to go against the fears we have. Everyone has some fears, real or unreal, that block their development. In this context, overcoming these two obstacles, our fears and our habits, will lead to the expansion of our comfort zone. In short, where our fears and habits end, our development process will begin."

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