BAIBU SÜYAM Tennis Courses Continue to Train without a Break in COVID Period

14 Ekim 2021 Perşembe

The tennis course opened within Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Continuing Education Application and Research Center continues in the 2021-2022 academic year. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hanifi UZUM and Coach Burak BOCEKCI are very interested in the course given by our university facilities. Making a statement on the subject, Prof. Dr. Üzüm briefly summarized the benefits of tennis by saying that trainings are given in groups of one or two people for one hour two days a week and that the participants consist of university staff, staff relatives, civilians and students;

  • Tennis develops hand/eye coordination in children much better than their peers. Children starting sports at an early age protects them from bad habits and ensures a healthy development.
  • It can help you lose weight in an ideal way for a healthy body. It is known that a man playing tennis for an average of 1 hour burns 600 calories, while women burn 420 calories.
  • It allows the whole body to work, making you flexible, agile, strong and better coordinated. It supports muscle and bone development.
  • It improves your aerobic and anaerobic capacity and helps protect your health. Oxygen uptake and heart rate increase during play. The heart pumps more blood around the body, helping to supply oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. It also helps to develop more capillaries within your muscles, allowing more oxygen to reach the muscles. Cardiovascular health
  • It increases your cognitive abilities: Playing tennis requires intense thoughts and decision-making skills. It improves your abilities such as planning, tactical thinking, decision-making and creative thinking.
  • It makes you happy and helps to improve your mental health.
  • It helps a person to socialize. It can also help to increase self-confidence, establish healthy communication, and carry the sportsmanlike behavior on the court to your normal life.
  • Explaining the benefits of tennis, Dr. UZUM added that this sport, which is both fun and full of adrenaline, is the safest sport that can be done during the pandemic period and that age, economic or any status is not required to be interested in this sport, and gave information about the physiological, psychological and social benefits of tennis.
  • Coach Böcekçi stated that for those interested in tennis, the gains obtained as a result of disciplined work with the sacrifices made will have positive reflections on the business and social life of the person and invited everyone to play tennis at SUYAM.

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