13 Ocak 2025 Pazartesi

Within the scope of sportive activities included in the values education implementation guide for convicts and detainees staying in the penal execution institution in order to ensure their personal, social, cultural, professional, moral and health development; to be reintegrated into society, to accelerate their correct thinking and behavior processes and to help them spend their free time in a quality way, a volleyball tournament was held with the students taking the community service practices course within the framework of a 3-week program for 8 teams formed from 8 wards requested by the Bolu T Type Closed Penal Execution Institution from the Faculty of Sports Sciences. 80 convicts participated in the tournament without any problems. The tournament organization was organized by our Faculty Dean Prof. Dr. Umid KARLI, Faculty Vice Dean Dr. Lecturer. Prof. Dr. Adem SOLAKUMUR, Community Service course instructor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adem SOLAKUMUR and Yalın YARKIN, Oğuzhan CAN, Hüseyin DONİ and Muhammed Emin YILMAZ, students of the Physical Education and Sports Department. At the end of the tournament, the process was finalized by giving trophies to the first four teams. As the Faculty of Sports Sciences, various demands of our external stakeholders were carried out in a healthy and efficient manner within the framework of quality understanding, and after the tournament, it was decided to organize various activities between the two institutions at regular intervals for both staff and convicts and detainees. The related activity letter and photos are attached.

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